Not a Clubshop Partner Yet? Stop Losing Money!Click HERE And Activate Your GPS NOW!

You see that it’s working! So, do the right thing: duplicate the method!

I’m so happy to see soo many fantastic vertical lines growing in depth universally!

That is fantastic because it shows you with no doubt that the TNT Strategy, with its GPS Line Builder, works perfectly!

For example, now, I’m looking at a beautiful vertical line with Partners from all over the world.

We’re building a fantastic community of great people from the five continents.

I want to give you an idea of what just happened a few minutes ago, which is what keeps happening every day.

A Partner Pro from the Czech Republic has just earned a payable Fast Start Bonus, thanks to a GPS Premier Plus confirmed by a Trial Partner in the Philippines who consequently became a Partner.

And, between them, there are seven confirmed Partners respectively from Israel, Singapore, Nigeria, Israel, Singapore, Thailand, Kenya. They will all start earning a corresponding monthly passive income starting from the first renewal. 

Isn’t that fantastic?

This line, as you can see in the image below, now goes 68 generations deep! And it keeps growing!

All this is absolutely GREAT!

Nevertheless, I see that many of you guys haven’t started yet to duplicate the same process and build your second line, third, fourth, and so on.

Why is this?

Bear in mind that even your first line that you currently keep seeing growing like crazy initially started from a new bottom pool. 

Initially, it was a pool fed by only one partner!

So, when you start a new line, of course, you are alone to build it. You begin pouring member in that new pool with no other help than your GPS and COOP Shares.

But, just like it happened for your first vertical line originator, as soon as you start to have trial partners coming out from that new pool, things begin to go faster. And even more, once one of these new Trial Partners confirms their GPS. And then a second one, a third, fourth, fifth, and sixth.

So, what’s the point?

The point is that you need to make sure you have a good flow of incoming affiliates to feed that new pool when you’re still alone building it.

How can you have that steady flow of affiliates?

The easiest way, as usual, is ordering additional COOP Shares.

Otherwise, you can always market your business using the

Landing Page system included in your GPS.

Then, depending on your monthly flow of incoming members, don’t forget to optimize your GPS Line Builder with the number of lines that you want to build at the same time.

Remember that the maximum number of lines that you can build contemporarily depends on the type of GPS you have, as follows:

  • Basic: 1 line
  • Basic Plus: 2 lines
  • Pro: 3 lines
  • Pro Plus: 4 lines
  • Premier: 5 lines
  • Premier Plus: 6 lines

Have fun building your business!


Share the truth!

Since 1997 Clubshop has been faithful to its Mission - To join individual consumers together to form a vast buyer's cooperative, thereby gaining tremendous consolidated buying power so that our Members may purchase products and services at the lowest possible cost. - To extend the advantages of the Free Enterprise System to anyone who seeks to increase their monthly income. - To promote the principles of freedom and democracy that are embraced within the U.S. Constitution. To encourage the development of a vast, self-sufficient, economic community of "people helping people" and the individual development of the whole person.

Comments (9)

  1. But you have cancelled my partnership and all my renewing membership. And taken me off from the TELEGRAM without proving me wrong of my bad feelings for the clubshop.I can bring you some scams who dupped me some US Dollars . However, I’ve become so susceptible to internet businesses.
    If you can assist me and prove to me that I am at the RIGHT place then I have a group of people who will like to join in no time if I see in reality some earnings hitting my account to show to them. Do not annoy with me and punish me but exercise patience with your customers even if they are misbehaving.Those who have been bitten by snakes are afraid of worms. I am still club shop member. Now I am calm. Thanks for contacting me. I remain.

    • Hello, Williams. I don’t know the reason why moderators have blocked you in the Telegram group. There was certainly a reason.
      Bear in mind that the official Clubshop Telegram chat is there to spread positivity and support each other.
      Nobody there needs or feels like hearing other people’s negativity or complaints.
      So, if that is what you did, as per the group’s rules, you’ve been blocked.
      I see that you’re still a Partner.
      So, if you’d like to be part of the group again, please let me know here that you have understood and agree that the groups are not the place to bother the company or other partners and members with negativity and rage.
      Because of all those things, as you can understand, go against your and other people’s business.

  2. I,WILLIAMS OWU DUNCAN,pledge on my honor to abide by the RULES and REGULATIONS of the CLUBSHOP telegram chat and all the GOLDEN RULES of the CLUBSHOP and its SUBSIDIARIES to build better GLOBAL TEAM BUSINESSES.


    Bonjour Je suis BOLOU Chantal une récente affiliée.
    Besoin donc de formation, de guide.
    Je voudrais aussi m’inscrire au telegram

  4. shakiru olusola amure

    The clubshop Telagram page should be use with the sence of sincerity of purpose, guided by the applicable rules ,let’s use it to support ourself, guide the new affiliate to the wright part and together we shall succeed.

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