Not a Clubshop Partner Yet? Stop Losing Money!Click HERE And Activate Your GPS NOW!

No, it's not easy!

Your $6,000 a month passive income is the result of a continuous evolutionary work carried out by Clubshop over more than twenty years, combined with your correct mindset, attitude, and persistence.

I think that the reasoning you have to do, as a Partner, is this: what should I do, what situation must I have created to earn $ 6000 a month with Clubshop?

And the situation you need to have carved in your mind is this: you must have achieved the “Bezos” income title.

Imagining yourself as “Bezos,” earning $6,000 a month, start reviewing every single previous income title. Those small steps you achieved which brought you there starting from the position you are in today. Whatever it is.

Once you know precisely where you are going, you just have to jump on your vehicle and start moving until you have achieved your destination. You can’t fail!

Your destination is crystal clear: it’s your “Bezos” income title, which corresponds to $6,000 a month, minimum. 

Now, try to think of any other way outside the Clubshop that could ever allow you to enjoy such a high passive income. 

Then ask yourself what that possible method requires you to do or invest to succeed.

Some examples of those who make 6,000 dollars a month?

  • Professionals such as doctors, lawyers, architects, engineers, etc. – They have studied tens of years and must keep studying for all their lives, working continuously to continue earning. If they could no longer work for any reason, they would no longer earn anything, or would still see their income drop dramatically.
  • Traditional small business owners. – They run enormous risks, with continuous and risky investments, frequently working day and night, to bring home gains that are often close to zero.
  • Real estate investors. – To earn $6000 a month, in addition to all the risks, uncertainties, and headaches they experience daily, must have a multi-million-dollar real estate.

I believe it is now clear to you what is most feasible and quick; to earn 6,000 dollars a month with the Clubshop or with any other method?

I believe you, like me, can quickly realize that there isn’t a single (legitimate) method in the world that is simpler, easier, and faster than this.

Why do I say it’s easier?

Because with GPS, like any other person who is willing to join us:

  • You have your online shopping center that 24/7, can sell millions of every-day products and services that generate cashback to those who buy them and commissions to Partners at the same time.
  • You have an automated advertising system that creates an entire market of people from all over the world for your shopping center.
  • You have an automated system that optimizes the distribution of these people within your organization to maximize benefits.
  • You have an automated system of constant communication with each of the people who are part of your market.
  • You have a fantastic FREE Trial PROGRAM to show the money to your prospect Partners.
  • You have an automated system that will retain these people in the long term.

But I repeat: with this, I don’t mean that earning $ 6,000 a month with Clubshop is “easy.” 

Instead, what I’m saying is that it’s only much easier than any other method.

Because you just need to add that touch of humanity and love that no automated system in the world could ever replace.

That’s why our Partners are so essential in this whole process and so highly remunerated.

But I repeat: with all this, I don’t want to say that it is “easy” in absolute. It’s “only” much more accessible than any other method.

As soon as you realize this, don’t remain passive any longer. 

  • Start giving your Clubshop business the priority it deserves in your life. Get passionate about it. Love it and love every single person who will join you along the journey. Help your journey mates to achieve their goal.

This must be your only obsession. The burning desire to see hundreds of people prosper within your team.

You will achieve your personal goal and will exceed it widely, without even realizing it, as a natural consequence of your dedication, your pleasure, in helping others without expecting anything in return.

Enter this state of mind, and you’ll find yourself taking care of your Clubshop business without the slightest effort. But just having fun and getting so much ongoing gratification, unthinkable in any other job.

You will be a real added value for our whole community. A united, honest, and determined community, projected in pursuit of our noble goal of building extraordinary lives for ordinary people.

You may be wondering now: 

but if it really is, why is it all about earning “only” $ 6,000 a month and not more?

You are right to ask yourself this. The answer is that if I said what I know, which is that anyone has the real chance to earn infinitely more than $6,000 a month, only very few would believe it.

So much better to get there, and then discover the whole new world that will open before your eyes once you’ve turned that corner.

Fabrizio Perotti

Share the truth!

Since 1997 Clubshop has been faithful to its Mission - To join individual consumers together to form a vast buyer's cooperative, thereby gaining tremendous consolidated buying power so that our Members may purchase products and services at the lowest possible cost. - To extend the advantages of the Free Enterprise System to anyone who seeks to increase their monthly income. - To promote the principles of freedom and democracy that are embraced within the U.S. Constitution. To encourage the development of a vast, self-sufficient, economic community of "people helping people" and the individual development of the whole person.

Comments (62)

  1. I have been driving tons of traffic to my link and I have been posting in Facebook groups. I have posted on Twitter and bought shares. Most people start their trial but don’t activate it. I don’t know what to do to get them to activate.

    • Well done Priscilla! Now you just need to follow them up through your GPS Activity Report, offer them your support, invite them to join our Facebook group where you too should visible and active. Then, just be patient. They will become active when it’s their moment. Nobody needs to force anybody. If you need more affiliates consider also ordering some additional COOP Shares.

      • jerry d johnson

        hello fellow wealth seeker and future changer of lives. I have done the same as you, Facebook posts, YouTube videos, buying coop shares and activated the highest GPS subscription. My first check was $124.00 with that said, I came into this opportunity with a long term investment mind set. As you continue to follow the process the system will grow, I know its hard when starting out, but the way the system is built, you will grow. Just think about if you stay disciplined and focused on developing your down line through consistent positive motivation your time will come…Embrace the journey, this is a vehicle that can carry you where you want to be in the future….Do not give up and I know its hard but have faith..

  2. Dear Mr. Fabrizio Perotti
    I’d like to express my deepest appreciation for your excellent mentoring during my First-month trial partner at Clubshop. You not only celebrated our wins, but you also inspire and motivate everyone to believe in a better tomorrow by turning our misunderstanding into a learning opportunity. Your guidance has been influential, I know it will shape my developing skill habits, as I move into Helping my team and this organization to grow.

    Warmest regards,

  3. Gary wiersema

    Thank you Mr Fabrizio for taking the time to show me the most satisfying online Business I found on the internet that offers such good legitimacy and security, when I first found Clubshop I realized the honesty and integrity, that Clubshop had too offer me personally, as I had seen other online business before but many were a scam, But with club shop not only can u work from the comfort of your own home and also the GPS system offering advertising and affiliates every day for u basically on autopilot it saves a tremendous amount of time. and hours of work, this business is so amazing, it gives u clarity and easy step by step video tutorials to guide u to your success and the service and support u receive along the way is A1…and u get to help other people build their business as u build your , what better way to achieve your goals and create success..knowing u will keep building and achieving your business with club shop for many years to come, thank you to all the people and executives at club shop for this amazing opportunity they gave me, I’m truly thankful.

  4. Mohammed Habib

    Thank you boss this your motivational words give me more encouragement and i know that if every partner takes clubshop strongly in future he or she will be bless thank you very much.

  5. Nathan Akpan

    Hello Fab. Thanks a great deal for putting up this program. Am barely a month old and can foresee the positive height I will be in 24 months. I have decided to take Clubshop as a serious business. All the available tools are splendid. Am sincerely impressed.Keep up the great work.

  6. Margaret John

    Thank you Mr Fabrizio, for your words of encouragement. I would like to be assisted as o have activated my account but still it shows as nothing yet done on it . I will upload the payment proof maybe to betterment the issue.

  7. Ikechukwu Brendan Abah

    Fab I have a problem with my bank that’s why I have not subscribe when the problem is rectify then I will continue a lot of money has been withdrawn from my account without no trace so that’s the issue on ground

  8. Marius Pedersen

    You do an amazing job here at Clubshop! I look forward to the future with you all! Thank you so much for your exciting opportunity.

    • Ayyub Chimsi

      Am new here, actually I don’t know much about the club shop business if i can be assisted step by step on what to do

      • Raji kamorudeen

        How are you, sir? I can see you have been doing this. I am Yoruba too. Please how can we chat about it? I have been watching them from afar for a while. I am not sure if it really works.

  9. onosiba

    I joined the trail partner,because im willing to do this and help others but my current situation i dont have the starter to activate my GPS,Can someone help me with the starter so i can start as early as possible….

  10. Idara Effiong edem

    Please i need clubshop to help me with anything to star my own business,i go the pay income every month

      • Ezeigwe James

        It’s highly interesting and motivating to know that ClubShop members’ earning capabilities are incomparable with other most respected businesses around the world. Pls I need more updates and how to move forward!

  11. I am impressed by the information shared on this platform. Therefore, I am eager to make a start as a beginner with the Clubshop community. Please guide with step by step mentoring and assistance.
    Thank you for sharing your message and giving much needed opportunity of earning income to the financial overstretched folks.


    I don’t know the clubshop business and also no idea about it but I want to start this business if you inform me the actual matter of the business and also co-operate with me.

  13. Karnekanti Dayanand

    Thanks a lot ! Please explain in detail what type of buisiness it is . What is the role of the CLUB MEMBER related to the buisiness activity.Is there any condition of depositing of money in the Company by the Member.

  14. Karnekanti Dayanand

    Thanks a lot ! Please explain in detail what type of buisiness it is . What is the role of the CLUB MEMBER related to the buisiness activity.Is there any condition of depositing of money in the Company by the Member.

    • Hi please log into your club shop account and click on the button how it works. That’s where you find all the information you need. You can also start your free 30 day trial program so that you can see all along today days how it works.

  15. Всем привет друзья! Для начала хочу поблагодарить Fabrizio за его не лёгкий труд и сказать спасибо за то, что всегда поддерживает, отвечает на все вопросы. Это феноменальный бизнес, но в каждом бизнесе надо иметь желание и цель. Я сама являюсь партнёром и скажу, что не жалею, что присоединилась. Ещё раз спасибо Fabrizio! Если вы готовы, то присоединяйтесь. Помогу разобраться. Пишите мне на почту: [email protected]

  16. ПРивет Прабирский Банерджи! Если ты ещё не присоединился к нашему клубу, напиши мне на почту и я помогу тебе разобраться. Моя почта: [email protected]

    • Cher Jean merci pour ton commentaire. Et il faut que tu rentres dans ton compte club shop pour démarrer ton période d’essai gratuit de 30 jours. C’est comme ça que tu pourras tout bien comprendre. Aussi c’est où tu vas trouver le bouton « How it works ». C’est aussi comme ça que nous faisons la sélection naturelle de nos partenaires.

  17. Caleb Oyedele

    I have just been confirmed. Looking forward to building a long time and profitable relationship with the organization


    It’s very exciting becoming a clubshop partner and that’s why I’ve confirmed my GPS. My immediate worry is to be guided on what to do on a daily basis. I really need a coach or mentor in this business because I’m a completer Newbie online but very excited to be part of this organization. So can someone hold my hand and teach me what I must do every day?

  19. adão

    boa tarde to com dificuldades de efetuar o pagamento gostaria de saber como pago em real ou dolar se alguem puder me ajudar fico agradecido

  20. Edidiong Edet

    I need to join u people but how can I get started how much should I deposit in this business opportunity I don’t have website to get started.

  21. Kouassi Kanga Germain

    Bonjour je n’arrive plus a voir le montant qui est dans mon compte.J’etais a 2317s .Si je comprends bien ça sera balance sur mon compte immédiatement? Et a partir de quand?

  22. Hello! Just do what I am doing, by showing your new sign up link to all those who you think might join under you. Remember! It’s a number game and the more people’s will see your ad link, the more of a chance some of them will join.
    Just like in a real store on the streets, not everyone will come in to buy.

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