Not a Clubshop Partner Yet? Stop Losing Money!Click HERE And Activate Your GPS NOW!

One of the most discouraging moments that our most inexpert Partners experience during their business building process is seeing some of their partners not renewing their GPS.

Often, the result of this discouragement is that they start losing faith and enthusiasm in their business until they quit too.

Of course, the aforementioned is of zero fun for the most expert marketers too. But usually, they’re not worried at all about that because they know it’s an inevitable phenomenon in every network marketing business since the dawn of time.

Skilled marketers know that what they need to be focused on, is not the drop rate, but the net growth of their organization.

Your Existing Partners + (New Monthly Partners – Dropped Monthly Partners) = Net Growth.

The system is the same for everybody. Nevertheless, someone experiences an ongoing positive net growth while others are not growing, or they even have negative net growth.

What’s the problem? Is it the system that doesn’t work?

No! Because then it wouldn’t work for anybody. Instead, everybody can see that the system works perfectly: it creates a vast team for you automatically, it optimizes it, and keeps the communication flow open, with barely any effort on your side.

The only missing component is your human touch!

That’s why your role as a Partner is so important. And you need to perform it at least decently if you want to speed up your income building process.

What makes the real difference is inside each one of us. It’s our mindset and attitude. We can find all the excuses possible and blame everything apart from ourselves. But it doesn’t help anybody to get rich.

Instead, what could help you to get maximum financial results from this automatic business?

The answer is straightforward:

Love this business, and help the maximum number of people in your team get rich! Your wealth will be a natural consequence.

So, let’s examine the sentence above piece by piece:

  1. “Love this business.” If you don’t love this business, you can’t succeed. If you even have a negative, pessimistic, and impatient attitude, you will undoubtedly fail. If you love this business with all your heart, if you are passionate and enthusiastic about it, you can only succeed. Try to see the real essence of this business, and you can only love it. So, the choice is exclusively yours, just like the credit for your success or the responsibility for your failure.
  2. “And help” (others). Helping others is a spontaneous attitude that everybody should have in everyday life, not only in this business. If you’re only able to think about your profit or recuperate your monthly fee, you can be sure that you will have no impact in this world, and your earnings will stay below zero. So every morning, wake up and ask yourself genuinely: “what can I do today to help some of my teammates to take advantage of this wonderful business?” Then, listen to the answers you’ll start receiving. If you know your clubshop business even just a little bit, you’ll know what to do. If not, learn about your business. One thing you need to bear in mind above all is that you need to care about your teammates all along the month, not only when they have not paid their GPS Renewal.
  3. “The maximum number of people in your team get rich.” If you only have a small bunch of people in your team, who are you supposed to help? So don’t have little thoughts. Think big! This system allows you to get tens of thousands of teammates barely with no effort on your side. Use it! Get a higher GPS, invite your partners to have a higher GPS, order more coop shares, promote your landing pages. Lead your partners by example! Don’t tell them what to do. Show them what you did! If you do nothing, they will do nothing. If you show them what you’re doing, they will tend to follow you. With thousands of people following a good example, you’re TNT will work at its best, and your team and income will explode.
  4. “Your wealth will be a natural consequence.” As per the nature of our EXCLUSIVE Taproot Networking Technique or “TNT,” the more your teammates earn per month, the wealthier you become. There is no more ethical concept and business than this one. So, be proud of being a Clubshop Partner. You’re supporting our noble missions of “building extraordinary lives for ordinary people.” We need you, and you need us!

Do you agree with the above?

I’m pretty sure you do. Then you must acknowledge that there is only one evidence that can tell if you’ve been working with the right mindset and attitude persistently; It’s your net growth!

That’s the only thing you need to consider if you want to give yourself a mark.

If your net growth has continuously been positive for months, then you deserve a soundly 10!

If instead, your organization has been stagnating or even decreasing, you deserve 1 or so.

But don’t worry; it’s never too late to change mindset/attitude to start thinking and acting like a winner!

Never mind where you’re standing now. You can always become a Team Pilot > Bezos > Prosperman in just a few months.

Start by getting in touch with all your current Trial Partners and help them to confirm their GPS!

“For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline.”

2 Timothy 1:7

Fabrizio Perotti

Share the truth!

Since 1997 Clubshop has been faithful to its Mission - To join individual consumers together to form a vast buyer's cooperative, thereby gaining tremendous consolidated buying power so that our Members may purchase products and services at the lowest possible cost. - To extend the advantages of the Free Enterprise System to anyone who seeks to increase their monthly income. - To promote the principles of freedom and democracy that are embraced within the U.S. Constitution. To encourage the development of a vast, self-sufficient, economic community of "people helping people" and the individual development of the whole person.

Comments (39)

    • Bashir Azeez Taiwo

      Pretty cool to see u here as a brother pls I need ur support as a newbie on this platform because I just confirmed my GPS. Pls I need ur guide. My regards from Bashir Azeez Taiwo.

  1. Benemor Michael Monday

    Good evening sir, how are you doing today over there?
    You are right sir, but it takes a real man and woman to understand me that this online business specially this moment with this covid 19 period too sir. Am doing my best part to get to the top of this business with every sweat dispart the challenges too.

  2. Mr Samuel Okechukwu

    This article is the perfect truth about this business I can’t just understand why people are scared on things that are really, my addiction to this article is, This is business it involves money, subscribe to GPS of your choice renew it monthly or upgrade to the higher ones get in touch with your affiliates and trial partners, work with your teammate always have time on this site to read and study all the information and how the systems works,
    You may be financially challenge presently, like me, never loose faith, never quite, surelly whit the help of God we will all get there.


    This is a word of encouragement that can bring out sound success, but my advice to the leadership is that they should adopt a system payment like twice in month,these will encourage trialpartners.

  4. Anthony Anani

    This is a Clarion call, we must endeavor to understand the rudiment of the business, being passionate about it and with our focus on the big picture as we ride with patience to actualizing our collective dream. It is POSSIBLE!

  5. Adnilza Quirino de Oliveira

    Demorei para tomar uma decisão. Perdi meu emprego e tem muita coisa na internet que e golpe ,estava com medo de entrar nesse , Fui pesquisando e gostei das palavras e conteúdo do Sr. Fabrizio Perotti sempre com uma palavra de Deus para edificar .Estou com muita esperança que vai dar tudo certo.Tudo que até agora estou lendo sobre essa oportunidade de como levar adiante , estou estudando e vou aplicar tudo que tenho aprendido.

    • Alfred Ford

      God so love the Word he blessed us with this clubshop business so let’s help.teach, respect, respect each other so that our businesses will prosper.

  6. Francis Jimberi

    This is very encouraging words of a leader.Yes nothing is free in this world except the air we breath.As Partners we have to do our bit of work to be paid monthly commissions.

  7. Oliver Eluro

    I am highly lifted by this article. I just needed to know and understand the system well and how to build and grow the business and by the grace of God and positive mindset we shall get there.

  8. Fino a quando non si avranno i primi guadagni non è facile andare avanti, ma con un po d’impegno e fiducia sono sicuro che con l’aiuto delle nostre UpLine o prima o poi arriveremo un po tutti ad avere un buon risultato!



    • You’re not stuck at all Daniele‘s. The GPS keeps communicating with all your affiliates and trial partners on an ongoing basis. Also your up line sponsors with a GPS Pro or higher keep building your line and communicating with your team.

  10. Raymond Clement

    Your Message As a trial partner if you don’t have money at the moment to buy the GPS your trying before it expires, will I cancel my membership and register back when am ready with my money to buy back my GPS or should I leave my membership blunt like that ?

    • Hi Raymond. Sure, I always suggest starting a business when you can afford it. All kinds of businesses normally require an initial step were more than making money; you need to focus on learning and building. Earnings will come later.

  11. Thompson Koko

    Well people might the interested, because everyone desire a better status quo in life, but the challenge is the money, well money begets money, so if you guys want a better life, take some decisive action with this business as interest gets one nowhere!!

  12. Enor de Oliveira

    Confesso que estou um pouco perdido no emaranhado de termos e ações a serem executadas pelo filiado.Tenho estudado bastante e visto os vídeos muito instrutivos, apesar da dificuldade linguística. Mesmo assim, tenho dúvidas cruéis:
    1) Como me torno um parceiro de teste? Na plataforma estou como aspirante, embora já tenha ativado, pago e renovado o GPS .
    2) Não sei como faço para estabelecer a linha vertical. Estou (0/6).
    3) Alimentar os parceiros de teste significa o quê? Pagar seus GPSs?
    4) Confirmar o GPS não é a mesma coisa que pagá-lo? Sempre é pedido para confirmar GPS, mesmo já estando pago em em validade.
    Já estive mais animado, mas estou perdendo o entusiasmo, talvez seja pela minha ignorância. Vamos tentar mais um pouco.

  13. Francis Amodu

    please the issue of covid19 pandemic has brought so much problem to this nation, please let our pending commission be paid so that it will help us the more.

  14. Messanh A. Ayivissaka

    Dans notre Entreprise, chaque affilié qui veut réussir doit avoir un état d’esprit positif fort et une mentalité de Gagneur.
    La construction d’une équipe dévouée dans laquelle chaque co-équipier recherche la réussite de son équipe et par là sa propre réussite, serait l’idéal.


    Dear Sir – I could not find FAQs in your website. Suppose I have $ 450.00 showing in my account as a Trial Partner. I wish to activate GPS costing $ 49.90 per month. Can this activation fee be deducted from my available amount and balance paid to me. I hope payment is released fortnightly to boost morale of partners. Please reply to my querries. Thanks.

    • Hi Chetan! No, that is not possible Because when you are a trial partner you only have pending commissions. Not payable commissions. So once you confirm your GPS and you start to actively work at your business, some of those pending commissions become payable as soon as some of your trial partners confirm their GPS.


    Salut à tous.
    Je viens de boucler 2 mois entant que partenaire Clubshop. J’aimerais savoir si la garantie de commissions de démarrage rapide me sera payée. Si oui quand ? Cordialement merci.

  17. Omoyasan Sunny Adunbi

    I’m encourage all my fellow trial partner to activate there GPS so that all of us can move on to built this business successful for our own better interest. This month is another new monthly to activate our GPS in other to move on for our business to growth am appeal to every one of us to activate your GPS this month may God help and provide for every one of us in Jesus name amen.

    Statut Partenaire (GPS Basic PLUS) depuis le 13 janvier 2021.

    Partenaire Clubshop

    Le grand bien-être sera un avantage pour nous d’obtenir l’indépendance financière et la liberté en 2021.

    En temps que spécialiste du Marketing , il s’agira de liberté, d’être indépendant et surtout d’avoir l’autorité sur notre propre situation financière.

    Le Marketing et ces dividendes accumulés sont une idée incroyable,  nous seront en meilleure position pour être encore plus reposant avec Clubshop.

    Comme chaque entreprise nous voulons apparaître en haut des résultats.

    De nombreux facteurs interviennent dans le classement et la visibilité de notre Clubshop et affiliė comme un référencement, c’est l’une des principales choses sur lesquelles nous devons nous concentrer en 2021 en temps que spécialiste du Marketing.

    Les entreprises numériques ont pris une tournure sérieuse ces dernières années en raison d’une concurrence féroce, et il existe de nombreux outils gratuits et payants qui sont utilisés par nos spécialistes en Marketing,  et nous pourront également sélectionner ces outils pour notre entreprise grace â Clubshop.

    Propagez les liens, crée des banniéres à partager, selectionez differentes games de GPS à renouvelez chaque mois, partager des vidéo, communiquer avec nos partenaires Clubshop et bien plus encore.

    Pensez à booster le processus de création d’entreprise, et ne pas craindre la commande de plus d’actions COOP.

    Un menu constitué d’un contenu,  bien créez et d’un guide étape par étape pour nous représenter clairement, Clubshop est simple d’utilisation et abordable aux petits Budget.

    Grace a ces actions de campagnes publicitaires coopératives Clubshop; Nous trouvons l’aider à booster notre processus de construction Clubshop Bussines.

    Noublier pas , seuls les partenaires Clubshop peuvent commander ces actions publicitaires pour développer leur activité.

    Si vous fournissez des résultats meilleurs et plus rapides aux requêtes de l’utilisateur, votre jeu est fort.


  19. Vincent Thiebaut

    Si vous configurez en mode automatique le GPS vous n’aurez pas à le racheter il sera déduit automatiquement sur la base de vos revenues.

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