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Back in 2001, I was totally committed and passionate about my Clubshop business (Clubshop at that time was named “The DHS Club”), but still struggling in finding some good teammates that I could rely on to build my team with and start to expand The DHS Club in the whole Country.

One Sunday night, when I was still living in Torino, Italy, coming back from the mountain by car, I kept telling my wife how good would it be if I could get at least one person like me in my team.

That was my wish at that moment because since I joined the DHS Club a few months earlier as a normal Partner (partners were named “VIP” at that time), I kept getting only quitters and whiners. People certainly not voted to succeed. And I really wanted to change the situation. That became my obsession.

“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.

Matthew 7:7

After just a few days, I met Giuseppe Francavilla. Who you must certainly know if you’re already involved with Clubshop. We’re still business partners and, above all, great friends.

We started to work very closely, traveling together everywhere in Italy to meet people, companies, and institutions potentially functional in helping us to expand the business all over the country.

In a few months, Italy became the best-performing Country for The DHS Club, even better than the United States. And at that time, believe me, the DHS Club was doing extremely well in the US and in many other countries.

The magic happened because we started to attract more and more people “like us.”

What about someone like you?

Do you want to make the same magic happen?

Look at yourself today; do you think people like you would be of help to your team? Or would they be more a weight to carry on rather than any other thing?

Be sincere with yourself. What your business organization would look like if it was packed of people like you?

Think for a moment: if they’d do exactly the same things that you have been doing so far, do you think they would be useless in terms of business growth, or would they be extremely helpful?

If you don’t know what to answer, think for a moment. What team people do you think is more functional to your business growth:

  • Team A comprises committed visionaries, positive, optimistic, enthusiastic, excited, brave, passionate, proactive, and loyal people.
  • Team B comprises unengaged skeptics, negative, pessimists, detractors, depressed, hesitant, apathetic, inactive, and unreliable people.

And you, frankly, do you think you currently belong more to Team A or Team B?

I know it may sound a bit rhetorical, but sometimes we do not even realize if our mindset leads us towards success or failure until we think about and become aware of it.

Everything has a frequency. Choose the good ones only!

Everybody heard that in life, nothing happens by chance. All coincidences are actually inevitable circumstances. Why is this? Because we live in a universe where everything, emotions included, has a frequency, a specific vibration.

And every vibration or frequency attracts only similar ones.

So if, for example, because of your mindset, you are vibrating at the frequencies of laziness, skepticism, fear, rage, anger, the universe can only respond accordingly; you’ll only attract people, things, circumstances, and results that are in the same frequencies as those ones you are sending out to the universe. Which, in this case, can only lead you to failure.

That’s why if you start and run your Clubshop business with that kind of destructive mindset, you can be sure the universe will respond accordingly. Your business won’t take off until you decide to switch your attitude by deliberately changing your thoughts.

Change your thoughts to change your results.

The universe makes no mistakes. It always gives you back what your attitude send out. It’s mathematic.

You’re not sure if you have a good or bad attitude in life? Look at your current results. They are always the natural and inevitable consequence of your past attitude. Are you happy with them or not? Give yourself an answer, and you’ll be able to understand if your attitude works for you or against you.

Bear in mind: it’s impossible to get good results if you send out bad emotions. Just because good results and bad emotions are in totally different frequencies.

Once more: it’s just impossible to succeed if you run your life or your business with negative emotions.

F. Perotti

It’s like if you were trying to attract wood with a magnet. You can’t. There are no mistakes possible: you can’t!

The good part of all this is that humans have free will.

We can always control our thoughts, and with our thoughts, we control our emotions (vibrations) ➜ actions ➜ results. In other words, once we’re aware of that, we can always choose to lead our destiny and take the desired direction whenever we want.

Be the person you would like to have in your team.

Would you like to have a team packed with negative, pessimistic, and skeptical people sending out all kinds of bad vibes to the universe?

Unless you’re sort of masochist, certainly not.

I’m sure you want to enjoy life and build a team of, joyful, positive, optimistic, enthusiastic, committed and loyal people!

In a few word a team moving united on the straight path towards a secure success.

That’s what you want. Right?

Then it depends exclusively on you: be that kind of person and you will attract people like you.

Click here to learn more about attracting prosperity with Clubshop.

Deo Juvante.

Fabrizio Perotti

Share the truth!

Since 1997 Clubshop has been faithful to its Mission - To join individual consumers together to form a vast buyer's cooperative, thereby gaining tremendous consolidated buying power so that our Members may purchase products and services at the lowest possible cost. - To extend the advantages of the Free Enterprise System to anyone who seeks to increase their monthly income. - To promote the principles of freedom and democracy that are embraced within the U.S. Constitution. To encourage the development of a vast, self-sufficient, economic community of "people helping people" and the individual development of the whole person.

Comments (8)

  1. Tiberio Guglielmi

    Non sono il migliore dei partner, ma sicuramente sono quello che mi merito. Da oltre 18 anni non ho mai mollato, nonostante le varie peripezie accadute nel gruppo, i vari cambiamenti, a volte anche stravolgimenti che mi hanno portato a ricominciare tutto, non sempre con il dovuto impegno ( firse anche dato l’età 69 anni e dalle mie patologie). Ma sempre fedele e ubidiente, positivo e generoso, rispettoso e presente. Non sono il migliore dei Partner … ma sono un Partner !!

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